OCDS Formation Material

Please remember that these are intended to help lead a Q&A discussion. I designed the questions to try to bring out some particular point or teaching of saints. The sample answers are to help the leader see what point I was trying to get at in case it is not clear. I do not propose myself as a teacher of St. John of the Cross or Teresa of Avila.

1. St. John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel

Syllabus:  MS Word   RTF 

See also an informal study guide by Fr. Steven Payne OCD

Book I    Book II    Book III

2. St. John of the Cross: Spiritual Canticle

Syllabus:  MS Word   RTF 

3. St. Teresa of Jesus: Way of Perfection

Syllabus:  MS Word   RTF 

4. St. Teresa of Jesus:  Interior Castle

Syllabus:  MS Word   RTF 

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Questions and comments to Sandra (sandra@malkovsky.org).

Last Modified: August 5 2009 11:47:28 2003